Sexual abuse is any type of sexual activity to which you have not consented.� It may involve pressure to consent, the use of force, violence, or bodily injuries.� Being under the influence of alcohol or drugs and not being able to truly consent to sexual activity is considered sexual assault as well.Stalking is a more passive violence, but can be just as threatening.� This includes someone showing up uninvited, watching or spying on you, tracking your schedule, giving you unwanted gifts, persistent phone calls, and sending threatening e-mails or letters.� The disturbing issue with stalking is the constant question of uncertainty or the level of violence and when it could strike.There are a variety of abuses in dating including verbal/emotional abuse, stalking, sexual abuse, and physical abuse. Verbal and emotional abuse can be just as destructive as physical abuse, but not as easy to identify by others.� Women are at a greater risk of being assaulted by someone they know rather than a stranger.� One in Twelve women are stalked sometime in their life.� Some safety tips for dating that may deter this abuse:> Try to group date initially when it is with someone new> Know that constant calling and checking in on you can be a sign of controlling behavior> If you feel uncomfortable in a situation, like on a date, leave the situation if possible orcall/text a friendWarning Signs of an Abuser# Extreme jealousy# Controlling behavior# Quick involvement# Pressure to have sex# Public embarrassment# Withholding money# Intimidation, bullying or threats# Criticism or verbal “put-downs”# Isolation from family and friends# Logging into your e-mail and reading it# Checking sent/received calls on your cell phoneIf you think a friend is in an abusive relationship:1.Offer your friendship and support2.Let them know that it is not their fault3.Identify unhealthy actions and behaviors4.Encourage them to build a support network5.Don’t force them to do something6.Refer them to a crisis hot line7.Don’t judge and be understanding8.Be available_________________________Mark Peterson has done a lot of research about wilderness treatment camps. Through his research he has compiled a lot of information about troubled teens. |