Hundreds of web marketing wizards see eye to eye on this – One of the big keys to successful web marketing is with the use of articles.� Now that you realize you have to harness the potential of web marketing using articles, you have to focus on writing articles to please three, enormously different readers with one article.� Three audiences of article marketing The three audiences of article marketing and how to write good headlines for each:� Readers - In the end, these are the individuals who will make the decision that they are curious about what you do adequately to read your message. You have to write a headline that will draw your audience to actually read your article in the first place. for more details visit to You have to attract the reader to read further into your article and actually listen to your words.� 80% of readers will read your headline, but only 20% will make it to your article. How effectively your headline is written will decide the reader’s next step.� Readers can find your article headline on social networking hangouts like, as links in an IM from a buddy, and in their search engine results. If your headline does not appeal to them enough to read your article, you simply won’t get readership, even if you have the best message or offering on the planet. You could offer the cure to AIDS, but with a poorly constructed headline no one will find out about it.� Search Engines - Search engines believe that the page title is the most important on-page indicator of the content of the page. Coming in second place is the use of the heading tag. When your article is published, publishers have a tendency to make either or both the title and H1 tag the same as your article title. Having the words in your article title which are important to those searching for information increase your chances of showing up in search engine results.� You must have your keywords in the headline and as close to the beginning as reasonable to still satisfy the other two audiences.� Publishers - One of the keys to article marketing is the how publishers can spread your message like a virus. This is why article marketing is so powerful. One well-written article can get published on 10,000 places across the world in only a few weeks.� These are the folks who choose whether or not your article is featured on their site, newsletter, blog, etc. for more details visit to They are a complex combination of readers and the likes of Yahoo. They need to know your article will attract search engine traffic as well as please their readers. However, if they can’t run across your article because the bad headline doesn’t come back in their Google results or the headline fails to draw them in to read your article – you miss out.� Writing Headlines for All Three This article‘s title was written specially to provide an example of how to meet the needs these three audiences. As you can see, the first three words of the article headline are search engine fodder - they are a blending of two highly sought phrases, and those words are the very first in the headline.� The first words also tell you what the article is about. The last part captivates your attention and draws you further into the article. It promises something of interest that will provide what you’re hoping to gain or learn about. It makes you ask yourself, “I wonder what lesson I can take away from this article…“and so you read on, just as you did.� Take this lesson with you and write good article headlines that get noticed, get published, and get traffic coming to your web site. |