If you are selling high ticket products, you cannot possibly assume that your potential clients will shell out thousands of dollars on their first purchase. You need to earn the trust of these people first and ensure that they will be able to get their money's worth before you can convince them to swipe their credit cards. One of the best ways to do this is by launching your product funnel. This marketing tool will allow you to build customer trust and loyalty among your customer base so you can easily promote repeat business.
Here's how you can breakthrough with product funnel creation:
1. Know your audience. In any kind of business, it is very important that you have a clear idea about your customers. You need to know what they want and what they need so you can easily offer them with products that they will surely appreciate or go on www.product-creation-innovation.com. It would help if you can maintain an ongoing dialogue with these people through your website, blog, or relevant forums.
2. Create series of products. Develop useful and valuable products based on the needs and demands of your potential clients. Ensure that you create low-end, middle-end, and high-end products that will fill up every level of your funnel.
3. Promote your products online. Give your offerings the kind of exposure they need by properly advertising them online. You can promote them on relevant forums, article submission sites, blogs, and social networking sites. You can also advertise them through search engine marketing, PPC advertising, banner ads, and paid links.
4. Establish your expertise online. You cannot possibly convince online users to buy from you unless they trust you. Let these people know that you are really good on what you do by sharing a slice of your expertise online for more helps visit on go to www.explosive-product-launches.com. You can use article marketing, forum posting, ezine publishing, and blogging.
5. Build your list. Develop a powerful mechanism that will help you capture the email addresses of your potential clients. You will need this information so you can easily send these people with follow-up and promotional emails so you can convince them to make a purchase.
6. Run advertising gimmicks. If you are still having a hard time getting people to do business with you, you may consider offering deals that these people will not be able to resist. You can offer huge discounts or throw in amazing add-ons to make your products look more valuable and enticing. |