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Most Important Three Steps To Profitable Blogging!

Date Added: January 22, 2009 03:39:10 PM
Author: kamal
Category: Blogs
A blog is a personal journal that the author uses to record your conversations. It usually can also be syndicated on the internet using a RSS feed. This particularly becomes interactive when comments and trackbacks turned on which enables interactions between the author of the blog and readers of the blog. It is significant to have suitable objectives and a strategy before you begin to write the content for your blog. Also you may need a thick skin as you may get some readers who disagree vehemently with your views. If you are running a company it also adds the human touch which is necessary to interact with your subscribers and customers. You noticed that I said a blog should only part of a marketing program. Blogs on their own tend not to get much readership, for more details visit to www.your-own-blog.com rather they have to be crossed promoted so you need to put it on your email tag line, your website, your business cards, etc. People who see your blog address in another media are likely to come to it. The first and most important step is to choose a profitable niche market. A niche market by definition is a market that is not big enough for a very big competitor to enter. A typical example is that a big company like Amazon will not focus on a niche market like bonsai trees. This kind of market is ideal for an internet home based company. If you are an expert in this field you can create a blog on this topic. Blogging like writing tends to make you an expert. People tend to believe what they read. For this reason you don’t want your blog to be totally self-promotional. Add value. Provide information that helps your customer, for more details visit to www.blog-and-ping.com amuses them, teaches them etc The second step is that you need to build an opt in email list. The reason for this is that this necessary so that you can market to your list over and over again. This step is vital for success in any internet business. You need to capture the name and email so that you can make money from your future email promotions. The final step is to be able to monetize your traffic. This will come from placing contextual advertising like Google Adsense on your blog or affiliate links with products related specifically to your niche. www.feed-reader-links.com www.rss-announcers.com Would you like to know more about the magical marketing techniques that have helped me to quit my day job? I have just completed my new ebook.
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