Have you every forked over several hundred dollars for an online information product only to see that it did not deliver what the marketer promised? I have many times over.
I read the product and then try to think of what the marketer must have been thinking of when he or she wrote it. Today's Internet Marketer must be a networking genius with their customer base. The really good Internet Marketers and Networkers recognize that their value as a salesperson depends on their ability to ensure that the people they market to believe they have a stake in the customer's success.
I receive sales letters daily from Internet Marketers who have not a clue of who I am or what I will buy. For more details www.product-creation-secrets.com .Sure, I have bought products from email sales letters I receive out of the blue. The reason was that the product idea resonated with me and fit my needs.
Asking customers what they need and would buy from you is a sure way to win them over. So, you want to become a millionaire Internet Marketer? Ask you online contact list what it is that they need to help their business become successful. Ask them how much they would pay for such information. What is the least amount and the most they would be willing to pay for it?
Do you see where I am going with this? Win them over by letting them know you care about their success. you want to be a part of their business success so much that you will create a product that meets their specific needs. What better way to win a customer over.
David Hale, Ph.D., PCC, a Corporate Performance Consultant, University Professor and Professional Certified Coach, is an internationally recognized speaker, author, and seminar leader. He is the founder and Chief Executive Officer of the DHI-Communication. For more than 20 years, Dr. Hale has trained professional coaches, ministers, clinicians, executives, teachers, government agents and private individuals using the coaching methods and skills that he has designed.
David is the author of The High Performance Entrepreneur: 12 Essential Strategies to Supercharge Your Startup Business published by iUniverse in 2008. His newest book, Straight Talk From Corporate America's 10 Most Requested Speakers and Trainers, is written with the intent to make his personal and business success skills and principles widely available. David's work and books have been featured on national television, radio, and print media.
Dave has twenty-three years' experience in design and delivery of training programs for public, private, government and non-profit centers. For more details www.instant-info-riches.com .He also has twenty years' experience in coaching and training individuals and groups in state and federal agencies, and profit and non-profit corporate settings as well as coaching and counseling individuals on a private, fee-for-service, basis. After twenty years of developing and leading coach training programs David founded DHI-Communication, an international coaching and training consultancy, specializing in communication principles. Dave is widely regarded as one of the top business coaches for Web 2.0 Entrepreneurs. |