Photo or digital printed wallpaper is becoming more popular by the day, the better wide format printing becomes the finer you can print photographic wallpaper.Any image can be created to fit any size and space - use it to open up a small room, or to give the illusion of looking outside onto a beautiful landscape.Your photos can be used to turn a boring blank wall into a stunning focal point in your home, or can be made into large murals for a unique way of displaying your treasured pictures.You can turn your digital images, photographic prints designs and negatives or even your children’s drawings into bespoke wallpaper. If you have a particular design in mind but cannot find a suitable image then you can find one from an image bank, look for high resolution images. You don't have to use just photographic imagery, there are many great digital designs around too - from a simplistic repeat pattern to full graphic illustrations. You can buy digital wallpaper that is the same width as standard wallpaper the problem with that is you get lots of joins. We print wallpaper 130 cm or 54 inches wide, this is commercial width wallpaper, any commercial fitter can fit this wallpaper, we have developed the paper so anyone can fit it. Paste the wall not the wallpaper. Basically each piece is between 100cm or 45 inches to 130cm or 54 inches, we create an artwork overlap of 5 cm, you fit wallpaper number one and the lineup number two over the top of number one make sure the image lines up perfect then smooth out the bubbles, then take a sharp knife and cut through the two pieces of wallpaper, peel back remove the cut wallpaper or wall mural and the image will line up perfect. Repeat this process to the end of the wall.Print 2 group is a leading revolution in digital bespoke wall coverings and photo wall murals that will change the way you think about dressing commercial or public spaces with digital wallpaper imagery. |