Let us take a look at what search engines want. Every single search engine is looking for words, they want lots of words, they want lots of original words, the want lots of original words that make sense. This is what they crawl and this is what they are good at ranking. More content and less fluff will improve search engine friendliness of your website.
What do we mean by fluff? Always make sure that most of the things from your sidebar that are not related to this blog in a content kind of way are removed. Things like:
» I am listed on xyz (here am I blowing my own trombone, and you have to get to know that.)
» I support this and that (the committee for prevention of cruelty to overworked imaginations, the society for the saving of purloined umbrellas , and I would like it very much if you would join me in these committees too. By the way they have been started by me, and you just need nine dollars to join which will go into the CCFPJ fund - caring and cherishing of Forsythe P Jones to keep him in hamburgers and videogames…)
» These people visited this site and were wearing pink pajamas, singing yaaa ya yippee yippee yah when they came swinging down the mountain.
» I am a member of this site, that club, that committee, that society and they would like to know everything about you. You can even give them the name of your dentist.
» I like these pictures… I really do not know much of art , but I know what I like
» Vote for me here and there… I am standing for the most popular bore contest.
» Subscribe here . Except for your own personal newsletter, do not ask everybody to subscribe to newsletters which are going to tell them about absolutely nothing at all in the shape of spam.
Follow me here » etc, etc… not only are these articles boring, but they are tiresome.
This things are OK if you run a blog or a site with lots and lots of visitors that actually click on this fluff and you get results. If you want a SEO friendly site and if you want no distractions then, it is necessary that you get rid of them.
What does (can) belong into your sidebar:
» latest posts - these are links to your post, more PR material , and indexing of your site
» your best work - post you are proud of, things you want people to read, again links to these post will give them better SERP’s.
» archives - let people find your old posts . You also have plenty of potential matter to make any future e-books.
» RSS feed button - only one, just in case someone want to subscribe to your feed. |